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elderly hands resting on blanket

When you lose your English in long-term care

Last weekend, while I was at my mom’s long term care home, I witnessed first hand the challenge (from both sides) of speaking a non-English language in that environment.  In this scenario, the resident was in his wheelchair in the middle of a hallway. A …

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it's winter time!

Winter Newsletter 2023

Winter is here! It has been an amazing year for Concerned Friends and we reflect on the year past in our winter newsletter. Read it here:  https://us10.campaign-archive.com/?u=38163cd326d6df5103a6f1922&id=f510dc5602

Webinar Image

Envisioning the future of Long-Term Care

Long-Term Care Awareness Day on November 22nd, represents a unique opportunity to raise awareness, promote education and facilitate positive changes within the long-term care sector. This special day is also an opportunity to connect members of the community who wish to work towards a system …

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report card

2022 Inspections Report Card

Concerned Friends Inspection Review Team is pleased to release its analysis of Ontario’s 2022 inspections of Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario. Our findings include: It is difficult to draw firm conclusions from the inspection reports. But it is clear that many homes have difficulty meeting the …

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lynette Mader

Volunteer Spotlight: Lynette Mader

Lynette Mader is a recent volunteer at Concerned Friends, joining our Board of Directors and Policy and Advocacy Committee. Lynette has an impressive background in non profit management, and also volunteers at a long term care home. Lynette’s father entered Long Term Care in 2018 …

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welcome fall

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Welcome Fall! It has been a very full summer season for Concerned Friends and yet there is so much still to come before we wrap up 2023. Our fall newsletter is out and we’ve highlighted all the great things happening. Read it here: https://mailchi.mp/concernedfriends/fall-2023-newsletter

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130 Merton St, Suite 600
Toronto, ON M4S 1A4
