
Articles & Stories

Planning For the Long-Term

Lise Cloutier-Steele, a member of Concerned Friends, is an Ottawa writer and the author of There’s No Place Like Home: A guide to help caregivers manage the long-term care experience which is available at www.ottawacaregiver.com. I am 71 years old, and like many seniors in my age group, I …

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elderly hands resting on blanket

When Your Loved One Transitions To Cognitive Decline

“6.3 million people in Canada will develop, live with and/or ultimately die with dementia between 2020 and 2050.” – Alzheimer Society of Canada This staggering statistic suggests that within the next thirty years, you will likely know someone who is either showing symptoms or diagnosed with a …

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elderly hands resting on blanket

When you lose your English in long-term care

Last weekend, while I was at my mom’s long term care home, I witnessed first hand the challenge (from both sides) of speaking a non-English language in that environment.  In this scenario, the resident was in his wheelchair in the middle of a hallway. A …

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