
The transformation of Long-Term Care is urgent

Concerned Friends Advocacy

Through our Policy & Advocacy Committee, Concerned Friends identifies important issues in the long-term care home (LTCH) system and brings these issues to the attention of government officials. Each year, we submit letters and position papers to the Government outlining the key LTCH issues and possible solutions. Overall, these issues have consistently fallen into the following categories:

  • Lack of accountability, enforcement and funding for compliance to meet new LTCH standards.
  • A need to increase quality and safety of care.
  • Address LTC human resource challenges (staffing levels and working conditions).
  • Increase the total number of LTCH beds in Ontario.

Read our submissions here:

Elections Toolkit

Prior to provincial elections, Concerned Friends provides resources and guides on questions to ask parties or local candidates. As a charitable organization, Concerned Friends is non-partisan and does not endorse a particular party or candidate. We commit to asking all parties the same probing questions about their plans and vision for long-term care in Ontario. Click on the image to the right or THIS LINK to view our 2022 Election Toolkit.

COVID-19 Pandemic

palliative care

As a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic, our advocacy work has become even more critical. It is well known that a humanitarian crisis took place in long-term care homes across Canada, with Ontario being one of the hardest hit provinces. The residents and staff in LTC homes are most vulnerable to the spread of infection and the impacts of outbreaks. This is due to the fragile health conditions of the residents who live in congregate settings, combined with the pre-existing sector issues of under funding, under staffing, and a lack of regulatory oversight. It was these system weaknesses which led to LTC homes not being able to effectively control and respond to the pandemic and protect the residents and staff from the devastating harm caused by COVID-19. The situation improved in 2021, however the death toll and impact on the sector has left residents, families, and the workforce in mourning and burnt out.

As the death toll rapidly increased during the first waves of the pandemic, society became aware of the poor living and working conditions in LTC homes. Several reports and investigations were conducted, most notably by the Auditor General and the Commissioner, which focussed on finding the root causes of the poor living and working conditions in LTC homes. These reports focused on the problems that have faced the LTC sector for decades and included recommendations for the provincial government to take action.

Reviewer Program Team

Concerned Friends’ Reviewer Program Team closely follows LTCH Inspection Reports and keeps our members apprised of accountability and trends.

The government’s Long-Term Care Home Quality Inspection Program (LQIP) is intended to “safeguard residents’ well-being by continuously inspecting complaints and critical incidents, and by ensuring that all Homes are inspected at least once per year.” (from the Ministry’s website)

The purpose of inspections are to protect over 78,000 residents in Ontario’s 627 LTC Homes; safeguard resident rights, safety, security and quality of life; and ensure LTC Homes comply with legislation and regulations.

Copies of the public version of inspection reports detailing all findings of non-compliance must be publicly posted in LTCHomes and provided to Residents’ and Family Councils. To obtain a Home’s inspection report, you can ask the Home directly or find reports on this website.

Issues arise when government funding impacts the number of actual inspections carried out, or around processes and efficiencies of inspections. View our recent and past annual report cards below.

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130 Merton St, Suite 600
Toronto, ON M4S 1A4
