

Planning For the Long-Term

Lise Cloutier-Steele, a member of Concerned Friends, is an Ottawa writer and the author of There’s No Place Like Home: A guide to help caregivers manage the long-term care experience which is available at www.ottawacaregiver.com. I am 71 years old, and like many seniors in my age group, I …

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elderly hands resting on blanket

When Your Loved One Transitions To Cognitive Decline

“6.3 million people in Canada will develop, live with and/or ultimately die with dementia between 2020 and 2050.” – Alzheimer Society of Canada This staggering statistic suggests that within the next thirty years, you will likely know someone who is either showing symptoms or diagnosed with a …

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hello spring

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Our spring newsletter is out now! Visit this link to read our latest edition: https://mailchi.mp/concernedfriends/spring-2024-newsletter

graphic with text from post about webinar

Long-Term Care Education Series: Models of Care

Concerned Friends is pleased to announce the first of a series of one-hour online presentations. Each edition of our Long-Term Care Education Series will bring you a guest speaker on an issue relevant to Long-Term Care in Ontario followed by a group discussion. Here is …

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couple holding a tablet with text that says we want to hear from you. 2024 ontario budget consultations

Ontario Budget Submission 2024

We want to share with you our submission on the Ontario Budget which emphasizes issues relating to Long-Term Care. We appreciate that important investments were announced by the current government in 2023 to improve long-term care homes. However, the long-term care system itself has long-standing …

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