Bill 7 Webinar

Free Webinar
February 7, 2023 from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Bill 7: How Will it Affect Our Seniors? What Can We Do?

Jane Meadus, staff lawyer and institutional advocate at the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) will provide an overview including:

  • What is Bill 7, the More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022?
  • How will Bill 7 impact hospital patients needing long-term care?
  • How will Bill 7 impact the quality of long-term care in Ontario?
  • What strategies can patients and their families use to prevent unwanted transfers?
  • What action is being taken to challenge the legislation?
  • How can we work together to create safe and caring long term care homes?

About Bill 7: This Bill was passed into law in August 2022 with no meaningful public consultation. The Act enables the transfer of older and disabled patients from hospitals to long term care facilities not of their choosing and which may be located a far distance from family and friends.

Our Guest Speaker:

Jane Meadus is a staff lawyer and Institutional Advocate at Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE), representing seniors with legal issues related to being in institutions such as long-term care homes and hospitals. Jane was called to the bar in 1993, joining ACE in 1995. She is a published author, regular public speaker and frequent media contributor on long-term care issues and chairs the Elder Law Certificate program and the Consent, Capacity and Substitute Decision Making program for Osgoode Professional Development. Jane is a member of the National Long-Term Care Services Standard Committee, addressing standards for the delivery of safe, reliable and high-quality long-term care services.

Register for the zoom webinar HERE

About Concerned Friends

Concerned Friends advances the health and well-being and enriches the experiences of those living in long-term care homes across Ontario – over 90% of which are 65 years and older.

Our vision is a system where individuals living in long-term care homes have access to health and support services that best meet their diverse needs; where every person has a voice that is heard and rights that are respected. 

Read more about us here on our website. Join our mailing list or consider supporting our efforts.

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Toronto, ON M4S 1A4
