Volunteer Spotlight: Kristle Calisto-Tavares

Today we turn the volunteer spotlight onto Kristle Calisto-Tavares. Kristle is a volunteer and current President of the Concerned Friends Board of Directors. She runs a social-purpose business working with organizations and enterprises toward collaborative change-making.

Why did you get involved with Concerned Friends?

“My interest and passion in seniors’ care began as a teenager volunteering in a local hospice. While attending university, I worked part-time for the Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (now known as Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario).

More recently, Manuel, my late grandfather’s personal experience in long-term care at the height of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic opened my eyes to the shortcomings and giant gaps in the system. I am passionate about the work Concerned Friends is engaged in and was eager to lend my two decades’ worth of skills in the citizen sector toward building a movement that lifts the standard of care and quality of life for all seniors living in LTC.”

What keeps you hopeful for our LTC residents, workers and community?

“When I joined CF as a Board member back in November 2021, I was struck by how many people involved in the organization had a personal story to share about a member of their family, friend circle or community who was or is living in a long-term care home. It got me thinking: if we could bring the information and the issues to everyone – whether directly affected or not – we could have a real shot at mobilizing change to ensure better outcomes for current and future residents “

What do you love about your role with Concerned Friends?

“The people are always my favourite part of any experience. The volunteers leading and supporting Concerned Friends are deeply committed and highly skilled in their ability to affect positive change. These folks are relentlessly hopeful and won’t rest until there is a fair, dignified and responsive system to support current and future LTCH residents.”

Thank you Kristle for your dedication and all that you do for Concerned Friends!

kristle with family
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130 Merton St, Suite 600
Toronto, ON M4S 1A4
