Bill 7: Call for those affected

Have you or a family member been impacted by Bill 7?

Bill 7 (More Beds, Better Care Act) put in place rules that allow hospitals and government officials to compel hospital patients into accepting admissions to long-term care homes they do not wish to spend their final days in. If patients do not agree, they may be required to pay $400 a day for every day they remain in the hospital. The home a patient may be pressured to accept could be a great distance from their family and community, and/or be one with a record of patient neglect and poor care.

We’re here to help. If you are a patient, substitute decision-maker or have a family member or friend dealing with these new rules, please reach out to us via email at or call us at 416.489.0146 (Answering Service) or 1.855.489.0146 (Toll-Free Answering Service).

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